Publications 2021



  1. Gawryszuk A, Bijl HP, van der Schaaf A, Perdok N, Wedman J, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Rinkel RN, Steenbakkers RJHM, van den Hoek JGM, van der Laan HP, Langendijk JA. Relationship between videofluoroscopic and subjective (physician- and patient- rated) assessment of late swallowing dysfunction after (chemo) radiation: Results of a prospective observational study. Radiother Oncol. 2021 Sep 28;164:253-260.
  2. Korrel M, Roelofs A, van Hilst J, Busch OR, Daams F, Festen S, Groot Koerkamp B, Klaase J, Luyer MD, van Oijen MG, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Besselink MG; LEOPARD Trial Collaborators. Long-Term Quality of Life after Minimally Invasive vs Open Distal Pancreatectomy in the LEOPARD Randomized Trial. J Am Coll Surg. 2021 Dec;233(6):730-739.e9
  3. Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Melissant H, Lissenberg-Witte BI, Baatenburg de Jong RJ, den Heijer M, Langendijk JA, René Leemans C, Smit JH, Takes RP, Terhaard CHJ, Jansen F, Laan E. Associations between testosterone and patient reported sexual outcomes among male and female head and neck cancer patients before and six months after treatment: A pilot study. Oral Oncol. 2021 Aug 27;121:105505.
  4. van der Hout A, van Uden-Kraan CF, Holtmaat K, Jansen F, Lissenberg-Witte BI, Nieuwenhuijzen GAP, Hardillo JA, Baatenburg de Jong RJ, Tiren-Verbeet NL, Sommeijer DW, de Heer K, Schaar CG, Sedee RJE, Bosscha K, van den Brekel MWM, Petersen JF, Westerman M, Honings J, Takes RP, Houtenbos I, van den Broek WT, de Bree R, Jansen P, Eerenstein SEJ, Leemans CR, Zijlstra JM, Cuijpers P, van de Poll-Franse LV, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM. Reasons for not reaching or using web-based self-management applications, and the use and evaluation of Oncokompas among cancer survivors, in the context of a randomised controlled tria. Internet Interv. 2021 Jul 15;25:100429.
  5. Schuit AS, van Zwieten V, Holtmaat K, Cuijpers P, Eerenstein SEJ, Leemans CR, Vergeer MR, Voortman J, Karagozoglu H, van Weert S, Korte M, Frambach R, Fleuren M, Hendrickx JJ, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM. Symptom monitoring in cancer and fully automated advice on supportive care: Patients’ perspectives on self-management strategies and the eHealth self-management application Oncokompas. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2021 Aug 2:e13497.
  6. Neijenhuijs KI, Peeters CFW, van Weert H, Cuijpers P, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM. Symptom clusters among cancer survivors: what can machine learning techniques tell us? BMC Med Res Methodol. 2021 Aug 16;21(1):166.
  7. Van Beek FE, Wijnhoven LMA, Holtmaat K, Custers JAE, Prins JB, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Jansen F. Psychological problems among cancer patients in relation to healthcare and societal costs: A systematic review. Psychooncology. 2021 Nov;30(11):1801-1835.
  8. Vos JAM, Duineveld LAM, Wieldraaijer T, Wind J, Busschers WB, Sert E, Tanis PJ, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, van Weert HCPM, van Asselt KM; I CARE study group. Effect of general practitioner-led versus surgeon-led colon cancer survivorship care, with or without eHealth support, on quality of life (I CARE): an interim analysis of 1-year results of a randomised, controlled trial. Lancet Oncol. 2021 Jul 2:S1470-2045(21)00273-4.
  9. Vermaire JA, Raaijmakers CPJ, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Jansen F, Leemans CR, Terhaard CHJ, Speksnijder CM. Mastication, swallowing, and salivary flow in patients with head and neck cancer: objective tests versus patient-reported outcomes. Support Care Cancer. 2021 Dec;29(12):7793-7803.
  10. Verdam MGE, van Ballegooijen W, Holtmaat CJM, Knoop H, Lancee J, Oort FJ, Riper H, van Straten A, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, de Wit M, van der Zweerde T, Sprangers MAG. Re-evaluating randomized clinical trials of psychological interventions: Impact of response shift on the interpretation of trial results. PLoS One. 2021 May 25;16(5):e0252035.
  11. Schuit AS, Holtmaat K, van Zwieten V, Aukema EJ, Gransier L, Cuijpers P, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM. Organizing Psycho-Oncological Care for Cancer Patients: The Patient’s Perspective. Front Psychol. 2021 Apr 22;12:625117.
  12. Vermaire JA, Terhaard CHJ, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Raaijmakers CPJ, Speksnijder CM. Reliability of the 100 mL water swallow test in patients with head and neck cancer and healthy subjects. Head Neck. 2021 Aug;43(8):2468-2476.
  13. Jansen F, Coupé VMH, Eerenstein SEJ, Cnossen IC, van Uden-Kraan CF, de Bree R, Doornaert P, Halmos GB, Hardillo JAU, van Hinte G, Honings J, Leemans CR, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM. Cost-utility and cost-effectiveness of a guided self-help head and neck exercise program for patients treated with total laryngectomy: Results of a multi-center randomized controlled trial. Oral Oncol. 2021 Apr 24;117:105306.
  14. Melissant HC, Jansen F, Eerenstein SEJ, Cuijpers P, Lissenberg-Witte BI, Sherman KA, Laan ETM, Leemans CR, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM. A structured expressive writing activity targeting body image-related distress among head and neck cancer survivors: who do we reach and what are the effects? Support Care Cancer. 2021 Oct;29(10):5763-5776.
  15. Köhle N, Drossaert CHC, Ten Klooster PM, Schreurs KMG, Hagedoorn M, Van Uden-Kraan CF, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Bohlmeijer ET. Web-based self-help intervention for partners of cancer patients based on acceptance and commitment therapy and self-compassion training: a randomized controlled trial with automated versus personal feedback. Support Care Cancer. 2021 Sep;29(9):5115-5125.
  16. Santoso AMM, Jansen F, Lissenberg-Witte BI, Baatenburg de Jong RJ, Langendijk JA, Leemans CR, Smit JH, Takes RP, Terhaard CHJ, van Straten A, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM. Sleep quality trajectories from head and neck cancer diagnosis to six months after treatment. Oral Oncol. 2021 Apr;115:105211.
  17. Jansen F, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Gamper E, Norman R, Holzner B, King M, Kemmler G; European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Quality of Life Group. Dutch utility weights for the EORTC cancer-specific utility instrument: the Dutch EORTC QLU-C10D. Qual Life Res. 2021 Jan 29. Online ahead of print
  18. Schutte LER, Melissant HC, Jansen F, Lissenberg-Witte BI, Leemans CR, Sprangers MAG, Vergeer MR, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Laan ETM. Effect of Stepped Care on Sexual Interest and Enjoyment in Distressed Patients with Head and Neck Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Sex Med. 2021 Feb;9(1):100304.
  19. Korsten LHA, Jansen F, Lissenberg-Witte BI, Vergeer M, Brakenhoff RH, Leemans CR, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM. The course of health-related quality of life from diagnosis to two years follow-up in patients with oropharyngeal cancer: does HPV status matter? Support Care Cancer. 2021 Jan 17. Online ahead of print.
  20. Abrahams HJG, Knoop H, Schreurs M, Aaronson NK, Jacobsen PB, Newton RU, Courneya KS, Aitken JF, Arving C, Brandberg Y, Chambers SK, Gielissen MFM, Glimelius B, Goedendorp MM, Graves KD, Heiney SP, Horne R, Hunter MS, Johansson B, Northouse LL, Oldenburg HSA, Prins JB, Savard J, van Beurden M, van den Berg SW, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Buffart LM. Moderators of the effect of psychosocial interventions on fatigue in women with breast cancer and men with prostate cancer: Individual patient data meta-analyses. Psychooncology. 2020 Nov;29(11):1772-1785.
  21. van der Hout A, Holtmaat K, Jansen F, Lissenberg-Witte BI, van Uden-Kraan CF, Nieuwenhuijzen GAP, Hardillo JA, Baatenburg de Jong RJ, Tiren-Verbeet NL, Sommeijer DW, de Heer K, Schaar CG, Sedee RJE, Bosscha K, van den Brekel MWM, Petersen JF, Westerman M, Honings J, Takes RP, Houtenbos I, van den Broek WT, de Bree R, Jansen P, Eerenstein SEJ, Leemans CR, Zijlstra JM, Cuijpers P, van de Poll-Franse LV, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM. The eHealth self-management application ‘Oncokompas’ that supports cancer survivors to improve health-related quality of life and reduce symptoms: which groups benefit most? Acta Oncol. 2021 Apr;60(4):403-411.
  22. van Nieuwenhuizen AJ, Buffart LM, Langendijk JA, Vergeer MR, Voortman J, Leemans CR, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM. Health-related quality of life and overall survival: a prospective study in patients with head and neck cancer treated with radiotherapy. Qual Life Res. 2021 Apr;30(4):1145-1153.
  23. Eeltink CM, Rood JAJ, Nauta IH, Lissenberg-Witte BI, Incrocci L, Visser O, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Zweegman S. Reply to: “Discussing sexuality in cancer care: towards personalized information for cancer patients and survivors”. Support Care Cancer. 2021 Feb;29(2):535-537.
  24. Melissant HC, Jansen F, Eerenstein SE, Cuijpers P, Laan E, Lissenberg-Witte BI, Schuit AS, Sherman KA, Leemans CR, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM. Body image distress in head and neck cancer patients: what are we looking at? Support Care Cancer. 2021 Apr;29(4):2161-2169.
  25. Kleijn G, Lissenberg-Witte BI, Bohlmeijer ET, Willemsen V, Becker-Commissaris A, Eeltink CM, Bruynzeel AME, van der Vorst MJ, Cuijpers P, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM. A randomized controlled trial on the efficacy of life review therapy targeting incurably ill cancer patients: do their informal caregivers benefit? Support Care Cancer. 2021 Mar;29(3):1257-1264.
  26. van der Hout A, Jansen F, van Uden-Kraan CF, Coupé VM, Holtmaat K, Nieuwenhuijzen GA, Hardillo JA, de Jong RJB, Tiren-Verbeet NL, Sommeijer DW, de Heer K, Schaar CG, Sedee RJE, Bosscha K, van den Brekel MWM, Petersen JF, Westerman M, Honings J, Takes RP, Houtenbos I, van den Broek WT, de Bree R, Jansen P, Eerenstein SEJ, Leemans CR, Zijlstra JM, Cuijpers P, van de Poll-Franse LV, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM. Cost-utility of an eHealth application ‘Oncokompas’ that supports cancer survivors in self-management: results of a randomised controlled trial. J Cancer Surviv. 2021 Feb;15(1):77-86.
  27. Santoso AMM, Jansen F, Lissenberg-Witte BI, Baatenburg de Jong RJ, Langendijk JA, Leemans CR, Smit JH, Takes RP, Terhaard CHJ, van Straten A, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM; NET-QUBIC consortium. Poor sleep quality among newly diagnosed head and neck cancer patients: prevalence and associated factors.  Support Care Cancer. 2021 Feb;29(2):1035-1045.
  28. Howell D, Mayer DK, Fielding R, Eicher M, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Johansen C, Soto-Perez-de-Celis E, Foster C, Chan R, Alfano CM, Hudson SV, Jefford M, Lam WWT, Loerzel V, Pravettoni G, Rammant E, Schapira L, Stein KD, Koczwara B; Global Partners for Self-Management in Cancer. Management of Cancer and Health After the Clinic Visit: A Call to Action for Self-Management in Cancer Care. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2021 May 4;113(5):523-531.