Dominique Molenaar

Dominique Molenaar, MD


Dominique Molenaar works since June 2020 as a PhD candidate at the department of head and neck surgery at the Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc. She studied Medicine at Leiden University and has, after graduating in 2018, worked as a resident not in training at the Surgery and Oncology departments of different hospitals.

Her thesis focusses on the late effects, supportive care needs and late toxicity of patients with head and neck cancer, up until 5 years after finishing treatment. This project is part of a large longitudinal cohort study called NET-QUBIC, which follows patients with head and neck cancers and their caregivers for 5 years through home visits and questionnaires. Through this extensive study we want to obtain a better understanding of the patients (unmet)needs so we can better tailor our care. Besides the research activities, Dominique will also conduct home visits as a fieldworker.