Dr. Koen Neijenhuijs
In August 2015 Koen Neijenhuijs started a PhD researcher on the project Oncokompas. The focus of his dissertation was about the psychometric characteristics of the Oncokompas, a personal e-health application that supports cancer patients and cancer survivors in finding personalized, optimal supportive care. Koen Neijenhuijs obtained his Bachelor Psychology degree and Research Master Behavioural Science degree at the Radboud University Nijmegen. His area of expertise comprises statistical analyses and psychometrics.
Koen defended his PhD thesis on September 16, 2020.
K.I. Neijenhuijs. “Patient reported measures in eHealth: on measurement properties and big data opportunities”. Promotoren: prof dr IM Verdonck-de Leeuw, prof.dr. P. Cuijpers. Printed by ProefschriftMaken, 2020.