Dr. Florie van Beek
After obtaining her bachelor’s degree in Health Sciences and her master’s degree in Health Sciences (specialization policy and organization) both at VU University Amsterdam, Florie van Beek started working as a junior researcher for the research group ‘’Living with cancer’’ at the VU University in October 2018. In 2019 this position was expanded to a PhD position. For a project of ZonMw, she managed the ADJUST-study. The aim was to get insight in the prevalence of adjustment disorders in cancer patients. In addition, both the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the psychological intervention which addresses the adjustment disorder in this population have been investigated.
Florie defended her thesis on September 26, 2022.
Beek, FE van. “Psychological problems in cancer patients from a clinical as well as an economic perspective”
Promotoren: prof dr IM Verdonck-de Leeuw, prof dr JB Prins. Copromotoren: dr F Jansen, dr JAE Custers
Printed by Gildeprint 2022.